
Whitby WinterFest

The mission of the Whitby WinterFest is to bring together, demonstrate and celebrate the nature, values, capacity and potential of the unique community that is Whitby and the Esk Valley in both its historical and present day form.

  • In an age dominated by economic drivers We Are Whitby intends to work toward a demonstration of the value and potential of a community seeking a creative balance between the social, cultural and economic qualities of its being.
  • We Are Whitby intends to work towards this integrated social, economic and cultural balance by creating an event which provides an opportunity where these three components can meet in a such a way that: the whole equals more than the sum of the parts i.e. the more we understand, value and integrate each of the three components, the more we nourish enrich and sustain communities able to develop harmoniously and creatively into the future
  • What better time of the year to stage such an event than at Christmas and to work towards a Festival of Whitby life - Whitby WinterFest - which can we believe illustrate the Power of Community at Christmas.
  • The next Whitby WinterFest will take place over two days on the first weekend of December 2018 (1st 2nd )
  • The Festival will occupy the Northern Lights Suite in the Pavilion Whitby

Project Presentation

Click Here to download the presentation as a PDF.